c1 magazines

                                                                                                                             September the 13th 2024

what is representation?

Representation: representation in media means how something has been shown
positive teens
lamine yamal
 Cavan Sullivan 

strereotype is a generalised representation of a person place or thing 

do now
1) Representation: representation in media means how something has been shown. 
2) positive or negative. 
4) 2


teenager- the stereotype of a teenager , always on phone moody smells
grandmother- the stereotype of a grandmother is old and frail
nurse-the stereotype of a nurse is a woman
in the video the stereotypes are the talking ones and how the students act e.g. in class a girl said bantarrrrrr and the teacher responded with your supposed to be doing your workaaaa
another student hugged a teacher and said i love you 

the stereotype was the kids acting rambunctious. 

                                          representing in magazines 

masthead: title
coverlines: small heading
main image : main thing
main cover line: main heading 
colour palette : colours used on the cover

                                                                                                              friday 27th of september 2024
do now
1. the main title
2. cover lines
5. stereotypes

                             representations in magazines

1. carrie underwood has been presented in cover 1 as a farm mum/ casual
2. cover 2 shows carrie underwood as a pop star/ diva 
3. in the cover number 3 carrie underwood has been dressed in a red dress with  a flowery pattern this shows that she's styled and wealthy

in this magazine showing carrie underwood shes wearing a red blossom dress  this shows me that its a season and 

  • gender aimed 
  • different colour pallet
  • gender of cover style

carrie underwood magazine cover
david Beckham magazine cover

the difference between both of these magazines are the david Beckham has dark and blue colours and hes wearing a suit like a manly cover but the cosmopolitan cover with carrie underwood in shows us a bright pink cover and carrie underwood is wearing a flowery dress showing us that its towards the female audience.the coverlines on the male side show watches and footballs this shows me that its aimed at the male audience , but on the female one it says about weight .

                                                                                                                       friday,04, october 2024

do now

1. bright ✓ about main image
2. direct address is 
5.person is treated like an object

                              representation task 


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