c1 gaming
Wednesday, 18th of september 2024
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1)google , blogger , sign in
2)media industries
3)see the slide
4)tv ,radio ,film ,video games, advertisement
5)cinema phone
video games
Lo. history of video games
decade game features
1970. space invaders
1980 pac man a missing slice of pizza inspired namco to make pac-man
1990. sonic sega releases sonic the hedgehog
uses & gratification theory
- Personal Identify
- Information
- Entertainment
- Social interaction.
explain why audiences play video games ?
the audience play video games because it provides social interaction, blumler and Katz stated this appealed to audiences. certain games can provide the audience like online games , forza horizon, Minecraft ,call of duty and many more , social interaction is very important because you can make friends , entertainment and joy to the user which may make the audience feel more happy and may enjoy the game more . entertainment pleasures the user by making a funny game , playing a game you enjoy these are beneficial for you to enjoy the game so if the user finds the game enjoyable and funny they may appeal to it more . personal identity provides the user to construct there character and make their own identity through the game.
18/9- Brilliant start to the answer here. T: 2 Add a little more detail for each one of the PIES as to why the games appeal to the audience.
do now
1. pies
2.personal identity
5.social interaction
1. steam , epic games launcher, microsoft
2.easy to put in your pocket and its portable to go anywhere
4.by adding add ons
5.virtual reality
augmented reality-a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view.
gen z and gen alpha have 77%
case study : fortnite
lo to research the case study of fortnite
1.donald mustard and epic games
2.since 2017
4.lego, rocket league , fall guys
5.last to survive wins
8. platform merging , internet
9. giving money , famous people play it
epic games
epic games started by tim Sweeney in 1991 and was originally run from his parents house
Wednesday 2nd of October 2024
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1. epic games
2. 1991
4.personal identity information entertainment social interaction
5.mixed reality
exploring context
to explore the context of video games.
prince harry-the main points in thee video are ,prince harry wants to ban fortnite because he said that its making children addicted to it and is irresponsable. on nbc news it states that on the world health disorder there is a official disorder addicted to gaming. i think that prince harry is wrong on his opinion because the game is designed for fun with your mates and is usually easy to come off the game but prince harry is making it out that your stuck on the game forever , so i think he shouldn't go as far to say it should be banned. i also don't think there should be a gaming disorder because gaming can be a hobby and free your boredom.
healthcare triage- in thee video "the healthcare triage " the man says that there is no link between violence and video games but it does affect your thoughts , there was a test between 103 young adults were given a frustration
task and then randomised to play no game, a nonviolent game, a violent game with good versus evil theme, or a violent game in which they played as a ‘‘bad guy.’’ Results indicated that randomised video game play had no effect on
aggressive behavior; some studies show that playing more video games cause less negative behavior and less depression, feelings and decreased depression
following the frustration task. the results that have been shown do not support a link between violent video games and aggressive behavior, but do suggest that violent
games reduce depression and hostile feelings in players through mood management. i do agree with this because it doesn't cause any angry and negative behavior but you can interpret from playing to much games you may get some bad thoughts but nothing else.
media insider-Albert Bandura carried out an experiment called the bobo doll experiment, the experiment involved 66 children age 3 - 6 there was 33 boys and 33 girls they got divided up into two groups the first group watch a video that showing adults punching and abusing a bobo doll then they get placed in a room with a bobo doll in it , albert bandura surveys the children and sees how they act , half of them copy exactly what the video did and the other half who didn't see the video played nicely. i think that the children got influenced and copied the violent behavior , we can predict that the children got influenced by media, adults and what they've seen so that's why they were violent.
Wednesday 9th of October
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1. albert bandura✓
2. video games encourage violent behavior✓
4. evolved
5. game add ons ✓
lo:to explore how video games are regulated
pegi regulates video games

The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.

The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.

Game content with scenes or sounds that can possibly be frightening to younger children should fall in this category. Very mild forms of violence (implied, non-detailed, or non-realistic violence) are acceptable for a game with a PEGI 7 rating.

Game content with scenes or sounds that can possibly be frightening to younger children should fall in this category. Very mild forms of violence (implied, non-detailed, or non-realistic violence) are acceptable for a game with a PEGI 7 rating.

Video games that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy characters or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters would fall in this age category. Sexual innuendo or sexual posturing can be present, while any bad language in this category must be mild.
Video games that show violence of a slightly more graphic nature towards fantasy characters or non-realistic violence towards human-like characters would fall in this age category. Sexual innuendo or sexual posturing can be present, while any bad language in this category must be mild.

This rating is applied once the depiction of violence (or sexual activity) reaches a stage that looks the same as would be expected in real life. The use of bad language in games with a PEGI 16 rating can be more extreme, while the use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs can also be present.
This rating is applied once the depiction of violence (or sexual activity) reaches a stage that looks the same as would be expected in real life. The use of bad language in games with a PEGI 16 rating can be more extreme, while the use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs can also be present.

The adult classification is applied when the level of violence reaches a stage where it becomes a depiction of gross violence, apparently motiveless killing, or violence towards defenceless characters. The glamorisation of the use of illegal drugs and of the simulation of gambling, and explicit sexual activity should also fall into this age category.
not every collaboration has been a resounding success as there are numerous forgettable crossovers throughout the battle royale's history. Fans of Fortnite took to Reddit to share the most forgettable collaboration in Fortnite's history, including Wreck-It Ralph and Mistborn, among others.this is because it didn't appeal to the Fortnite audience because mistborn wasn't very popular anyway and reck it Ralph was only a small collaboration.
The adult classification is applied when the level of violence reaches a stage where it becomes a depiction of gross violence, apparently motiveless killing, or violence towards defenceless characters. The glamorisation of the use of illegal drugs and of the simulation of gambling, and explicit sexual activity should also fall into this age category.
how is the video game industry regulated
the video game industry is regulated by pegi and gets rated either 3 ,7 ,12 ,16 ,18. 3 is like in game purchases and a child's game , 7 has a little bit more content like some small bits of violence , 12 is more realistic and involves guns and mild language, 16 rating can be more extreme, while the use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs can also be present, and 18 has nudity drugs violence , killing and explicit sexual activities and is more realistic . fortnite has been given a age rating of 12 because it has violence but its cartoony and not realistic and you respawn it also has the feature of online so you can talk to random people so this may result in the rating that has been given . fortnite can be suitable for the young age because it doesn't show extreme violence in a graphic way and shows it with no blood , epic games also have added a game mode called " lego fortnite" aimed at the younger generation.
technological convergence-also known as cross platform means mixing with different devices in one game like fortnite which allows any device to play together in the world.
cross media convergence- video games that can be shown on media like fortnite and youtube , it mixes a media and media.
synergy- collaboration of two medias that promote
Wednesday 16th of October 2024
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1. pegi✓
2. allows games to play with other consoles✓
3. media and a game mix✓
4. collaboration of two medias that promote✓
5. 12 because of violence and online but no blood✓
convergence benefits fortnite brand because it allows more people to play together and allows fortnite to have more downloads to the game because let's say you and your mate has a game but you have different consoles well fortnite gives you the chance to play with other consoles, it increases the popularity of the game because of this one feature. it also allows you to be more social online with friends and other cross platform users.
synergy benefits the brand fortnite because it creates a wider audience outside the gaming world this allows fortnite to get more people to get the game because if someone sees the collaboration with their favorite brand they may give fortnite ago. it also keeps the game fresh with collaborations and to new released media , it does keep the game fresh because the player may see an appeal in the collaboration and they may buy the add on that gets released which gives fortnite more money. the game appeals to different age categories because of some collaborations, example lego , marvel , and residents of evil, lego spreads across a lot of age ratings but is designed for kids so this may appeal to the younger audience, marvel is slightly older but residents of evil branches out the older generation and engage them into the fortnite franchise.
how do video games make money
battle royale is a free to play game but has in game purchases , but in-game purchases are like a hierarchy because if you haven't spent money on the game you won't have the cosmetics and if you do buy the in-game items you are seen in the game as someone who may have a lot of money or you are seen as better than the rest.
the campaign reached 10 million in two weeks.
Fortnite make their money by selling in game purchases , this may appeal because it makes a hierarchy because if you haven't spent money on the game you won't have the cosmetics and if you do buy the in-game items you are seen in the game as someone who may have a lot of money or you are seen as better than the rest so this may engage the player to buy a cosmetic , Fortnite also released items that can be obtained in person , like clothing bottles shoes and more , some items can reach extortionary prices like Fortnite crocs the reached over 11 thousand pound , and Fortnite done a collaboration between Balenziaga, collaborations can also have money involved.
Wednesday 6th of november
1. it advertises collaborations
2.in game skins
Fortnite is a very bright home page with alot of collaborations and sales items including the new snoop dog skin and a battle pass
there are 78% of males playing Fortnite and 22% of woman play Fortnite 53% are 10-25 and 42 are in full employment
younger audience , because its cartoony
esports and ninja
game celebrities and seasons
Wednesday , November the 13th 2024
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1. in game purchases✅
2. ice spice✅
3. they kept it fresh with updates✅
5.unreal engine✅
fall guys was the least popular collaboration because it wasn't aimed at gamers and it was aimed at the younger audience because it has no guns and no violence.
active audience - an audience that engages with media messages by interpreting, evaluating and responding to them .
passive audience - an audience that accepts media messages without question and is more likely to be directly affected by them
Fortnite is active audience, you can. build shoot , play together , and make own games
passive. audience is movies and Fortnite do concerts
uses and gratifications
- Fortnite - along with many videogames -could relate to the " escapism " and " catharses " (entertainment)
- however , the collaborative nature of the gameplay could also provide social interaction
collaborations target certain audiences because some games release marvel and other collaborations for the younger generation because it may appeal to the younger audience but if the game releases a collaboration that appeals to the older generation it spreads across a wider span of audience and it makes the game more inclusive to the people who it may appeal to.
this can also relate to Fortnite because Fortnite make loads of collaborations , just like how thee main part of Fortnite is aimed at teens and the older generation because it has violence but no blood , but Fortnite has recently made a few adjustments to the game that branches across i wider audience like the younger audience , Fortnite released rocket racing and fall guys collaborations because they want more people to play the game so the make more money because the collaborations may cost money e.g marvel, balenciaga , dc and alot more , these are in game purchases that can be worn in game and you can infinitely play as so if Fortnite release something that appeals to the younger audience they might want to buy it.fortnite collaborate with alot of companys that can make more downloads to the game which may benefit to fortnite because it shows that the game is foe everyone
the theory to collaborations are that Fortnite do more collaboration's to make more money and make more people to play the game.
Wednesday, november the 20th 2024
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1. active audience is an audience that can play and interact with the game✓
2. passive audience is an audience that can watch the film or game✓
3. the uses of gratification theory is that if a game collaborates with a company then the game may reach certain audience groups and the game could make more money and downloads✓
4. Fortnite engages the audience by making the game a playable game with guns building farming driving flying and more✓
5. unreal engine ✓
video games . exam preparation
epic games publishes fortnite
pegi regulates games and tells you what age rating is suitable for the game, fortnite is pegi 12 because of the guns but theres no blood
the uses in gratification is that if a game collaborates with a company then the game will get more downloads and get more money , because it targets certain audience
the game is so successful because it has alot of collaborations
digital convergence
video games use technology to target audiences by making collaborations that may engage a certain group of audiences, and fortnite use alot of collaboration's . this technology appeals to the audience because the collaboration may be relative to the players or younger audience and this encourages them to get the game and it also promotes there game
do now
1) active audience is playing game ✓
2) not interactive ✓
3)personal identity
4) collaborations✓
18/9- Brilliant start to the answer here. T: 2 Add a little more detail for each one of the PIES as to why the games appeal to the audience.
ReplyDelete16/10- Good start. 6/12- T: 2.try to include 3 reasons why convergence benefits the brand, follow the structure in the breakdown.
ReplyDelete13/11- Great content knowledge. T:3 try to explain how the theory applies to the area that you have previously discussed.
ReplyDeleteAlso you can try using sentence starters if that helps with your structure.